Find someone you can walk shoulder to shoulder with on great, grand, impossible adventures.
Media – Round 13
Live Deeply (3/20-21/23) – Photos
Live Deeply (3/20-21/23) – Video

3/21/23 @ 10pm – The Seamon-Ingalls’ Home, Easthampton, MA
All trip photo albums
Trip video playlist
Mr. Seamon-Ingalls:
We started our journey home with another gloriously warm and sunny Fiji morning. We had all packed up the night before, so we could really focus on relaxing during breakfast and enjoying the warm breeze. I’m certainly going to miss the lush walk from my Yatule bungalow to the outdoor dining area. Dreamy.
We all gathered in the reception area with all bags, and of course I had to bring everyone out on the beach for one last group photo. We got one last dose of walking in the sand, said our goodbyes — Wilson had to get MANY in! — and loaded back onto a smaller bus for the ride up the hill to meet our coach bus and head north to the Fiji Cultural Village.
After another scenic 45-minute drive we arrived at the village and were greeted by a set of three warriors who escorted our bus down the last stretch of the driveway. We were then greeted and given an intro to the village in an amphitheater-style stage before bring split into two groups for a tour. We then got to learn all about how the village functioned in the 18th and 19th centuries while walking a loop around the area. We heard about how village items were made as well as how the governing structures worked. The history was fascinating as well as the demonstrations.
Back at the main amphitheater we were treated to a fantastic presentation that included a Cava Ceremony (Go chief Aster!), dancing, and singing. The kids got involved and had a blast! A big shout out to “spokesperson” Sako who tagged into one of the warrior dances! We then moved over to the dining area where we got to enjoy our last local Fijian meal. Bread fruit rules!
Next up we made a short drive to a spa + cafe that we got to call home for the next 3 hours. While there everyone got a back or foot massage, another filling meal, and time to relax in a very comfy air conditioned room. It was the perfect way to charge up before all of our flights!
Before arriving at the airport we made one last souvenir stop which proved to be quick productive. With all of our prior experience, we were able to move effectively through the airport and had ample time to rest at the departure gate. The flight to LAX was smooth and we managed to pull down many hours of sleep. At LAX we made the very long way through the massive airport and cleared customs in what had to be an all-time record time. Once again our bags popped up immediately and not long after our driver (Juan) showed up with our coach.
On the drive into Santa Monica was got to see another part of LA. We unloaded into the refreshing winter LA air about a block from the Pier and walked as a group out across the bridge. The kids were then given 3 hours to explore and get food. Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls, Wilson, and I walked all the way around the pier before looping back and meeting an old friend, Cindy, who lives in the area. Cindy was on my first every student international trip back in 2005 when we romped around Eastern Europe!
By 6:45pm we were back on the road to LAX. This time around — our last through security! — this time around the process was a bit more… annoying.. but we are all pros and made it through smoothly. At our gate was claimed an area to ourselves and the kids had some time to explore, write and sign thank you cards, and come up with trip superlatives.
I have my end of trip speech where I talked about all the things and people that got us to where we were just then — heading home from a great, grand, impossible adventure.
A bit before 11pm we boarded and viola, we were in the air on our last flight! A short 5 hours later we landed in a sunny Hartford, grabbed our bags, connected with our Williston busses, and got on the road home.
At 8:20am we pulled into the loop and were greeted by a fleet of parents. After lots of hugs and smiles, the team melted away.
I am so thoroughly proud of what we were able to create on our great, grand, impossible adventure.
We certainly lived life deeply.