Coastal Meandering (3/9/23)

Frolicking on the beach is for everyone.

Media – Round 2
Coastal Meandering (3/9/23) – Photos
Coastal Meandering (3/9/23) – Video

3/9/23 @ 10pm – Pavilions Hotel, Christchurch, NZ (Google Maps)

All trip photo albums
Trip video playlist

Mr. Seamon-Ingalls:

Our morning began with a wake up call at 7am followed by me and Mrs. Mish knocking on doors to make sure everyone was awake. Bleary-eyed but rested teens greeted us at their doors and we reminded them of the first meeting time of the day. Before we all met up at 7:50am I scoped out the large breakfast buffet and downed my first round of coffee for the day.

All the kids were prompt in gathering up outside their rooms where I went over the whole plan for the day and then we headed in to eat. The kids reported feeling firmly like their bodies had updated to the new timezone. We all loaded up on lots of yummy breakfast items and noticed how the options available to us were firmly rooted in catering to those from the UK and the USA. We certainly weren’t complaining. At breakfast the kids were also given an assignment to write a letter to their future self, that I could keep in a sealed envelope and give to them in April.

At 9:20am we grouped back up, I collected letters, ran through some reminders, and then we got back on Bob’s bus and started our meandering through Christchurch east to the coast. Bob gave us a tour along the way and about 30 minutes later we unloaded onto Sumner Beach, a gorgeous area nestled in a large cover with a very adorable and stylish town. We immediately started exploring the cave rock, and then spread out on the beach. Kids walked along the edge of the crashing waves, some sketched while sitting on rocks, and others threw a disc back and forth. We all took in the warm, humid air as well as the great views. As the kids explored I took a 5K run around the boardwalk and met back up with the group at 12:45.

Shortly after the kids were given local currency and two hours to get lunch an explore. Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls, Wilson, and myself chose a very cute Indian Restaurant that was already populated with a group of Williston students. We all got filled up on yummy food, chatted about the day, and then went next door to get some delicious gelato and hot cocoa.

At 3pm we were back on the bus and head back to Christchurch on a different route that took is on a new path on the coast. Bob continued giving us info about what we were setting and then stopped the bus at a very scenic overlook where we were able to get out and take in the full view. We walked a short distance down the path to an even better view and talked about what we were seeing — an amazing inlet as well as a very interesting coal and gas shipping center.

Back on the bus we made the short drive back to the hotel. Along the way we stopped so some kids could convert USD into NZD. Back at the hotel the kids were given a couple hours of free time to relax before dinner at 6:30. Some kids went to the pool while others napped and other enjoyed the hot tub. Not long after 5pm we heard bagpipes and it turned out there was a large bagpipe and drum team staying next door who was practicing for a very large competition that’s set to happy over the next few days. They were amazing!

At 6pm we gathered up to go over plans and go to dinner, but before we left I had the kids start their packing. They quickly got lots of packing done and by 6:15pm we were walking down the main street to dinner. We had great conversations and enjoyed the awesome weather on our short walk to Diner 66. There we took over half the place and were served the orders we had made several weeks before. The meal was capped off with some yummy ice cream and time with Wilson being passed around.

After the walk back to the hotel the kids went back to work packing up. Each room checked in after getting everything set for the next morning and lights were out by 9pm. Tomorrow morning we’re up super early to continue our journey south and do our first hike!

Another great day with many more to come!

The Journey Begins! (3/6-8/23)

The moments before a big journey are magical. The excitement after a year of planning plus the arrival of the actual departure day combine to create a truly surreal experience!

Media – Round 1
The Journey Begins! (3/6-8/23) – Photos
The Journey Begins (3/6-8/23) – Video

3/8/23 @ 10pm – Pavilions Hotel, Christchurch, NZ (Google Maps)

All trip photo albums
Trip video playlist

Mr. Seamon-Ingalls:

Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls, Wilson, and I kicked out of our place at 12:15am on Monday, March 6th. Security was there at Reed to let us into the building and the Dodge room where we setup for the arrival of the whole group! Soon after, Mr. and Mrs. Mish joined the fray, followed by all of the kids and many of their adults! Even though it was quite early in the morning, the room was quickly filled with lots of energy. Each kid was run through a final checklist which everyone passed with flying colors. At 1:45am we circled up to go over a few reminders and then went outside to meet out waiting mini busses!

We left campus right before 2am, driven by two professionals, JT and Mr. Berghoff. The ride down to BDL was smooth and most of the kids slept along the way. At the airport we were greeted by a large comfy bench where we rested until the gate opened up. Check in, bag check, and security were all smooth and by 4:30am were at the gate and back to relaxing, a sign that all was going well. Kids then went off to forage for an early breakfast and by 6 we were on the plane.

Due to some extra headwinds, our flight to LAX was a little longer than expected, but that gave the group a bit of extra time to sleep. On the descent into LA was got a great view of completely snow covered mountains, a very interesting sight! At LAX we sailed through the airport and found our back waiting on the moving carousel right when we got to baggage claim. Outside we were greeted by the warm, refreshing morning air of LA and after just 10 minutes of waiting, our bus driven by our very friendly driver, George!

Given the time of the day, the drive to Hollywood was quick and had very little traffic. We looped around the end of Hollywood Boulevard due to stretch being blocked off for setup for the Oscars. We were dropped off near the famous theater and after a group photo the kids were sent out to explore and get lunch. Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls, Wilson, and I then headed east down the street where we got lunch and visited the Larry Edmund’s bookstore. On our way back to the bus we stopped at the theater to see the amazing courtyard and then at the bus got to rest a bit before everyone returned.

The ride back to LAX was a little longer due to traffic, but we arrived back with enough time to get checked in and clear security at the International wing of the airport. At the gate the kids again had some time to explore before we boarded the longest leg of our journey. Again, we were all seated in the same set of three rows. Air New Zealand proved to be very comfortable, especially for Wilson who was given a bassinet to sleep in! Even though the flight was twice as long as our first leg, it seemed shorter for most of our group since almost all of us slept for most of the flight.

In Auckland we again collected our bags and then made our way through the hoops of customs, which took a little while but was overall a very efficient process. We then re-checked our bags and then took a shuttle to the domestic terminal of the airport where we had a little time to rest before walking right out of the gate onto the plane. 90 minutes later we landed in Christchurch!

We immediately found our local handler, Kate, and drive Bob, along with our bags, and then made our way through the gorgeous morning air to our awaiting coach bus. Over the next 20 minutes, Bob gave us a brief tour of the area and then we unloaded at a large open area mall full of wonderful food businesses and other stores. The kids were given money and an hour to each lunch, which they were all quite excited for. After my family got filled up on Ramen (Wilson wanted some but isn’t quite there yet!), we met back up at the big remembrance arc and walked back to the bus.

Bob then drove and led us on a 30 minute tour of the area and we got to learn lots about the city and in particular how it rebuilt after the earthquakes 8 years ago. The city is a very interesting mix of modern and older buildings, with lots of glass and quirky designs. Shortly before 1:30pm we made it to our hotel and to what the kids were really excited for… showers!

After getting cleaned up and changed, most of the kids decided to head out with me and Mr. and Mrs. Mish to walk around and explore the area. The rest stayed back at the hotel and relaxed with Wilson and Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls. On the walk my group and I headed to the botanical gardens which were stunning! The greenery was lush and we got to walk around a large multi-roomed greenhouse, rose garden, rock garden, along with a stop at a cafe. Back at the hotel the group was enjoying the pool, including Wilson who got to take his first dip!

By 4:30 we were all back at the hotel and more kids enjoyed the pool as well as the hot tub. We grouped up at 5:50 to go over some reminders for the rest of the day and tomorrow and then went into the hotel restaurant for dinner. At our two tables Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls led the group in a writing prompt that got them started in their first journal entries of the trip. We had made our order a couple weeks ago, so not long after our dinner arrived which was devoured. After a round of dessert we went back to our meeting point for another short check in.

Mrs. Mish and Mrs. Seamon-Ingalls then took a group of kids across the street to pick up some snacks since as everyone knows, you can’t have too many snacks. Some kids stayed behind and rested, along with me. At 10pm we did the rounds and all kids were either fast asleep or very close to sleep.

Tomorrow we’re up at 7 to start a low-key day of exploring Christchurch and the nearby coastline.

All is well. The kids have been phenomenal. What a perfect start to our grand journey!

February 13th Update

What a fun packing meeting!

We’re now 3 weeks away from departure which means it was time for our packing meeting! Everyone showed up in the Dodge Room last night full packed and ready to go! We then worked through lots of activities that included:

  • Learning about how to efficiently pack our bags. Packing cubes/zip lock bags are key!
  • Figuring out what needs to be added to the packing list: PJ’s, portable alarm clock, and…? If you have things to add to the list, email them to me!
  • Going over the Travel Safety, Health, and Rules Agreement form. Everyone needs to sign it and return it to me by this Thursday morning. Printouts of the for are on my desk in the math office if you need one.
  • I also unveiled our SUPER amazing trip shirts and flag! Yay!

A few last items:

  • Our next and LAST morning meeting is coming up this Thursday, 2/16 @ 7:25am in the PA room!
  • Everyone needs to fill out this short emergency contact info form by this Thursday morning. (This is to make sure we have your most up to date contact info.)

February 2nd Update

We’re 32 days from departure! Wow!

We started this morning’s meeting by filling out a meal order form. If you haven’t filled out the form, please do so in the next 48 hours.

We saw great presentations from Annika, Jackson, Alyssa, and Sako. Links to their presentations can be found on the Portal Page.

We chatted about the packing meeting which is coming up on Sunday, February 12th at 6pm in the Dodge Room in Reed. The meeting will last about and hours and parents, friends, and family are welcome to attend! It’s going to be fun. Everyone must show up fully packed as if we were going to leave for the trip right then and there! Note: I did check to see if the meeting could be moved to earlier in the day, but unfortunately it’s not possible due to other mandatory school commitments several students have that day.

If you need to get a dive book, or are looking for a cool one, here are two options: Option 1, Option 2

See y’all on the 12th at 6pm n the Dodge Room!

January 19th Update

We’re only 46 days away from departure! Wow!

Here’s what we covered at this morning’s meeting:

Everyone was reminded about the packing meeting which is coming up on Sunday, February 12th at 6pm in the Dodge Room in Reed. Everyone needs to show up fully packed as if we were going to leave for the trip right then and there! Family and friends are welcome to attend! The event should last about an hour.

One note about packing is that Ms. Seamon-Ingalls found a great new document belt option that is worth checking out: StashBandz Unisex Travel Money Belt.

We heard presentations from Liz (Birds of New Zealand) and David (Desserts of New Zealand). Links to their presentations and all the others can be found on the Portal page.

We completed another round of the names quiz. Our overall average is now 74%, which is better than before but we really need to get it to 100%! Remember, spelling counts! A link to everyone’s photo and name is on the Portal page.

A few people were reminded of recently assigned tasks they have yet to complete. A link to a grid showing the status of everyone’s tasks can be found on the Portal page.

Our next morning meeting is on Thursday, February 2nd at 7:25am in the PA room. I look forward to seeing presentations from Annika, Alyssa, Jackson, Charlotte, and Sako.

Vaccination Card

Everyone will need to email me a scan of their vaccination card. The cast must list all of your Covid vaccinations. We’ll need this at check in for all of our flights. You’ll also be carrying the original copy of the card with you at all times.

A list of everything that people need to complete is tracked on the status check list linked to at the top of the Portal page.