September 29th Morning Meeting
We just had another awesome morning meeting!
158 days until we leave! Wow!

Here’s what we covered:
- We talked about technology on the trip and everyone was encouraged to try going 6 hours? 12 hours? 24 hours? without using their cell phone.
- We chatted about clothing on the trip. Key topics included not wearing jeans, only wearing sweatpants on planes and while sleeping, as well as avoiding cotton. Bring clothes that are easy to wash in sinks is helpful. Everyone will be required to bring a pair of convertible pants that can zip off into shorts.
- The day trip around Western, MA is coming up, but the date isn’t set yet. On this day, most likely a Sunday, we’ll spend the day doing various fun activities around the area to bond, be social, and test out traveling together.
- I went over the projected departure and return times. Right now it looks like we’ll be leaving campus around 1am on Monday, March 6th and returning to campus around 9am on Tuesday, March 21st. Resident students will not be able to stay on campus between when school closes on Friday, March 3rd and our departure. Start making plans now.
- I emphasized that everyone should speak to their teachers well before the trip about potential homework that’s going to be assigned over March break. Try to get HW done early! The earlier you speak to your teachers the better!
- In small groups and then as one large group we talked about how we can support each other in stressful situations, how we can be good travelers, and what are some of our favorite things to do locally.
Homework due by our next morning meeting:
- Pick a topic to present on during one of our morning meetings. This can cover anything we experience on the trip or some piece of the history of culture we’ll be surrounded by. The itinerary is a good place to look for inspiration. Topics will be give on a rolling basis so email me as soon as you think of something!
- Everyone needs to pair up with someone on the trip to be accountability partners with. You’ll work with this person to complete trip tasks, talk things out, and be general supports for each other before and during the trip!
Scuba people: We’re in the Williston pool this Sunday for our second and last pool session! Make sure to arrive by 8:15 so we can get in the pool right at 9am. It’s looking likely we’ll have all of our skills done by Noon, but there is a chance we may need to go a bit longer than that.
Our next morning meeting is on Thursday, 10/13 at 7:30am in the PA room. Make sure you are in the room and seated by 7:25am. Please make sure to eat breakfast either before or after the meeting. We will conclude by 8am.