We’re 32 days from departure! Wow!

We started this morning’s meeting by filling out a meal order form. If you haven’t filled out the form, please do so in the next 48 hours.

We saw great presentations from Annika, Jackson, Alyssa, and Sako. Links to their presentations can be found on the Portal Page.

We chatted about the packing meeting which is coming up on Sunday, February 12th at 6pm in the Dodge Room in Reed. The meeting will last about and hours and parents, friends, and family are welcome to attend! It’s going to be fun. Everyone must show up fully packed as if we were going to leave for the trip right then and there! Note: I did check to see if the meeting could be moved to earlier in the day, but unfortunately it’s not possible due to other mandatory school commitments several students have that day.

If you need to get a dive book, or are looking for a cool one, here are two options: Option 1, Option 2

See y’all on the 12th at 6pm n the Dodge Room!